Tuesday, January 6, 2015



Mata Pelajaran        : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas                         : XII

Memahami dan merespon makna dalam wacana tulis interpersonal dan transaksional, esai/monolog pendek dan teks fungsional pendek berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari, pekerjaan dan keprofesian


1.     Guest        : Good morning, we’re from King Motor Club 
Manager   : Welcome to the villager’s production of helmet. We give you better products and as good quality than others. We  guarantee your money back
2.    John          :  Did you enjoy the movie we sawlast night?
Bagus       :  Not really. The movie who we saw last night wasn’t very good.
3.    Teacher     : Who is that boy? He have kinky short black hair
Asep         : He is my friend from Ambon
4.    Rika  : My boss offered me a new position, but I was not interested in it.
Boby : Really? If the salary was high, I would have taken it.
5.    Anton  : What do you think of the speech delivered by Mr. Joko?
Ma’ruf  : I think it’s motivated. We can take lessons of it.

Menentukan pikiran utama paragraf/gambaran umum atau informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat atau makna kata/frasa dalam surat/memo/pesan/e-mail bersifat bisnis.
February 23rd, 2014

  Dear Sirs,

  I am returning to you the “Quick cut Motor Mover” No. A7.745 which I bought from your agent  P.T. Sims and Co, Bridge St, Barchester, on September  15th last year.

  I have great difficulty in getting the engine to start and it runs badly and with a great deal of noise when it is started. Yesterday the noise became worse, the engine suddenly stopped and I have not been able to get it re-started.

  As the period of guarantee has not yet expired I hope you will put the machine in order or give me of free replacement

Yours faithfully,

   B. Coates

1. The letter above is called … 
2. What does B. Coates hope by ending this letter?


            The Organization of Black Airline Pilots, Inc. (OBAP) promotes educational opportunities in aviation, mentors our youth, monitors the development of aviation projects, and processes the general interest of its members. Our “Project Aviators” program is designed to serve the aviation industry by growing successful aviation candidates who will enter the job market.

            We provide entry-level exposure to aviation for young people ages 13 to 18 through the “Aviation Career Education” (ACE) Camps during the summer months. Here students get classroom instruction, field trips, hands-on activities, and may also receive an orientation flight. Some students continue to advanced ACE Camps with more flying involved.

            For more information, please visit our website at www.obap.org


Proud Sponsor of OBAB

3.    What is the topic of the second paragraph?
4.  “Here students get classroom instruction, field trips, hands-on activities, __”(Paragraph 2).What does the word “hands-on” mean?
5.    How long does the “Aviation Career Education” (ACE) Camp possibly take place?

       Actor, director, producer, born on January 3, 1956, in Peekskill, New York, Mel Gibson spent the remainder of his childhood in Sydney, where he attended an all-boys Catholic high school.

            After Gibson’s high school graduation, he considered becoming a chef or journalist. However, when his sister submitted an application on his behalf on The National Institute of Dramatic Art in Sydney, he decided to audition. Without any prior acting experience, he was accepted and enrolled in the drama school. While there, he made his stage debut in a production of Romeo and Juliet, and his screen debut in the low-budget film Summer City (1977). Upon his graduation that year, Gibson joined the Southern Australian Theater Company, where he appeared in the title roles of classical productions, such as Oedipus and Henry IV.

            After conquering the stage, Gibson tried his hand at television, landing his first role on the Australian series The Survivals. In 1979, Gibson graduated to mainstream cinema with his role as a futuristic warrior in Mad Max, and as a mentally retarded man I love with Piper Laurie in Tim, for which he earned his first Australian Film Institute (AFI) Award for Best Actor. Furthermore, Mad Max became the biggest commercial success of any Australian film, grossing over $100 million worldwide.

6.  What is the text about?
7.  What did Gibson do after graduating from Senior High School?
8.  ”... his stage debut” (sentence 4 paragraph 2).The underlined word has a similar meaning to ...

First, the empty yogurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor. Then the coups are filled automatically. Next the cups are sealed. After that, the sealed cups are packed in boxes by hand. The boxes are then placed on the pallets. Next, the pallets are wrapped and taken to dispatch.

9.  The main idea of text is ...
10.  Where the cups are packed after sealing?

Mengungkapkan dan merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek dan esai sederhana bentuk recount/news item/procedure secara akurat dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari, pekerjaan dan keprofesian.
1.Incomplete Dialog
2.Cloze Test


1.     Irma  : I really want to continue my study to university, but I couldn’t afford it.
         Heri   : ... You have got good grades.
A.   What about looking for a job?
B.   Why don’t you try to get a scholarship?
C.   Perhaps, you should go to university.
D.  If I were you, I would work hard.

2.    Wendy         : Would you like to have ice tea?
Yogan          : No, Thanks. ...
A.   I love cold drink.
B.   I dislike ice.
C.   Ice makes me fresh.
D.  I have a cold.

3.    Artur : Perhaps we could all go out for dinner...
Nizam:That would be lovely. We’ve planned it several times ever since we moved here.
A.   What about driving around in the city?
B.   Why don’t we eat together at home?
C.   Should we order the food now?
D.  What about going to the office.

Danu : ... I must collect money first to continue my study.
A.   My parents asked me to study to university.
B.   I have got a part time job.
C.   I’m going to get job.
D.  I don’t think I find job.

5.    Guest : I’d like to have fish and chips for lunch.
Waiter         : Ok.
Guest : Hot tea, please.
A.   How about the menu?
B.   How about the baverage?
C.   Would you like to have chicken?
D.  Would you like to have dessert?

6.    Aria   : How often does the train from Jogja arrive?
Bayu : ... You can ask the information for the schedule.
Aria   : Thank you.
A.   It arrived 2 hours ago.
B.   It usually leaves at there.
C.   It comes every 2 hours.
D.  It departs in time.

7.    Benny         : You look exhausted. You need break
Deddy         :... Unfortunately, the company doesn’t have many employees
A.   I’ll get a new job if I don’t doit
B.   If I were the manager,I would go for a vacation
C.   If I were you, I would talk to the manager
D.  I’d do it if there weren’t toomuch work

8.    Rohmad  : Could you pick up my dry cleaning on the way home?
Fariz        : Sorry, I can’t. I’ll have the meeting until late this afternoon.
Rohmad  : ...
Fariz      : All right, but I don’t promise that I’ll be on time coming home.
A.     Would you do it tomorrow, please?
B.     Might I get that for you?
C.     May I have that?
D.    Could you help me, please?

9.   Aria   : How was your trip to Lombok?
Ika     : It’s nice... It made two days too short to pass.
A.   I really enjoyed being there
B.   I couldn’t see any places
C.   I’ll be there again next time
D.  Lombok really makes everyone happy

10.  Dani  : ...
Dina  : Well, he usually drives, but today he is taking the bus.
A.     When will Mr. Tony arrive?
B.     How did Asep arrive at school?
C.     What time does he leave today?
D.    How does Tedy go to the office?


Fill in the blank with the most suitable word!

April 21, 2014

Personnel Manager

P.O. BOX 45721

Solo, Central Java

Dear Sir/Madam

I am applying for the position of a wateradvertisedin Solopos (…1) April 17, 2014. My name is BambangGunawan and I am 22 years old. I have an associate’s degree from a Hotel and Tourism Academy.

I have worked for some resultants as a waiter or kitchen partner in the kitchen department. I have more than three years of work experience. I joined training and apprenticeship while I was in the vocational school and academy. My good English proficiency will also be an advantage as a waiter.

I believe that my (…2) background and experience meet your (…3). I would like to add that I have a pleasant personality. I am friendly, hardworking, and eager to learn. I am able to work independently as well as in a team.

I (…4) my CV, a recent photo, and copies of some documents. I look forward to hearing from you.

 Sincerely yours,

 Bambang Gunawan

1.A. at
B. for
C. in
D. on

2.  A. educate
B. education
C. educational
D. educated

3.  A. requirements
B. desires
C. like
D. program

4.  A. take
B. enclose
C. send
D. follow

Good afternoon. We (....5) you today for a tour of our campus. You will get to visit some of our dormitories band the main library as well as the dining facility, where we have arranged to have snacks set up for you and your parents. The tour (...6)about an hour to complete. Since you have all applied to our school, you will be having personal interviews today as well. You should make sure to be on time for the interviews, which generally last about 20 minutes. I think you will agree that our campus is one of the finest (...7)the state. Before the tour starts, please register in Room 15.

5.   A. welcome          B. assist                C. host                  D. meet
6.   A. gets          B. asks        C. takes         D. makes
7.   A. in             B. at         C. on            D. by
Questions 8 to 10 refer to the following advertisements.

Manson Gate

7000 sq.ft. Residential lot for sale

This City of Manson Gate is selling houses, buildings, and lots of seized by the city due (...8) nonpayment of taxes. These properties will be sold by local real estate brokers. The first such (...9) to be sold, a resident lot, will be offered (...10) John Power of Manson Gate Leasing and Land Sales Company, 234.6345, ext.324.

8.   A. to            
B. at           
C. of           
D. for
9.   A. properly  
B. proper    
C. property
D. properties
10.  A. on                    
B. by          
C. to           
D. for