Friday, October 30, 2015

mid term English Lesson


Mata Pelajaran                    : BahasaInggris
KompetensiKeahlian          : Semua Kompetensi Keahlian
Kelas                                   : X (sepuluh)
Hari/tanggal                        : 
Waktu                                 : 07.30 – 09.30 (120menit)

Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a, b, c  or  d,  on your answer sheet!
1.      Rissa         : Hi, Risqi. ...?
Risqi                    : ...,  thank’sandhowaboutyou, Rissa?

a.       Howareyou, I’msure
b.      How’severything, prettywell
c.       How are you, I’m glad to see you
d.      How’s everything, I’m happy to meet you
2.      Ganang     : Letmeintroducemyself. ...
Eko           : Hi, Ganang. I’m Eko, andtheyare Feri, Wahyu, andVicky.
a.       Nice tomeetyou
b.      Seeyounexttime
  1. Good morning.
  2. MynameisGanang
3.        When she arrives  at  school 6.45 am, Atty greets her teacher by saying ….
a.    Good morning
b.    Good night
c.    Good afternoon
d.    Hello
4.      Jeki       : How are John and Harry?
Tomy    : They … .Thank you
a.    Is fine
b.    Not well
c.    See you
d.    Are fine
5.      Mr. Ridwan      : I really … for disturbing you.
Mrs Rika
           : It’s Ok
a.    Sorry
b.    Fine
c.    apologized
d.    That’s nice
6.      Rani      : I apologize for mylatearrival.
Najwa   : ... .
Yes, I am
I completelyunderstand
c.    I’m sorry
7.      Riski    : Rita, … My friend Budi.
Rita    : How do you do?
Budi    :
Fine. How do you do?
a.    Nice to meet you
b.    I’d like to visit you
c.    I’d like to meet you
d.    I’d like to introduce
8.      Yuni served delicious dinner to her guest, Anita.
Anita    : Thank you for the delicious dinner, Yuni.
Yuni    : ….
b.    Don’t  eat  too  much
c.    When will you invite me
d.    Yes, I’m
9.      X    : I’ll always be … to you for what  you have done
Y    : Don’t mention it
a.    Thanks
b.    Thankless
c.    Thank full
d.    Thank giving
10.  They always … late in the morning. His mother is always angry with him.
a.    Waken up
b.    Worked out
c.    Woke up
d.    Wakes up
11.  Riri    : Raka, Diana… not here at the moment.
Raka    : I see.
a.    Is
b.    Do
12.  A    : Where is your class room located?
B    : It’s at the …. Of our school building.
a.    Beside
b.    First floor
c.    Inside
d.    outside
13.  Dita      : What is the second day of the week?
Lia        : It is ….
a.    Sunday
b.    Monday
c.    Tuesday
d.    Friday
14.   Delia        : I really must apology for disturbing your weekend.
Ani           : ...
a.    You’re welcome
b.    Do you say so?
c.    Thank you
d.   Don’t worry about it

15.  Nisa          : Sorry, I forgot to bring your magazine back.
Hani         : ..., I have finished reading it and you may give it back to me next
Nisa         : Thanks.
a.       That’s all right
b.      No problem
c.       Thank you.
d.      I’m sorry to hear that.
16.  Dany         : Hi, I foundthis on mytable. Isthisyours?.
            Marin       : Yes. ...
a.       It’smine. Thanks a lot.
b.      Thank you
c.       It’smyown. Thank’s
d.      I don’t knowwhere I putitbefore
17.  Fahri         : Good morning Mr. and Mrs.Alehandro?
Alehandro: Goodmorning, Mr Fahri
Fahri           : Right, Mr. and Mrs. Alehandro. Welcome to GebyarPesona Real Estate. I’m Fahri. May I helpyou?
Zaenal         : Yes. We’ve just got married and are looking for house, a house which is not so big and not so small.
Fahri           : Ah yes, you’re very lucky, Mr. and Mrs. Alehandro. We have what youwant, ...
                   Here is the picture.
a.    a  beautiful house
b.    a  medium house
c.     a  heavy house
d.    a  light house
18.  Anthony is Mexican, he speaks ….
a.    Dutch
b.    English
c.    French
d.   Spanish
19.  The size of elephant is ….
b.    Small
c.    Thin
20.  The shape of … is cylinder.
a.    Ball
b.    Table
c.    Book
d.    Pipe
21.  Marco       : Who’syourfriend?
Jenifer       : ... name’s Lucia
a.       Her              c. His
b.      She              d. Him
22.  Riko          : I see many dictionaries on the table. Which one is yours?
Dina         : ...
a.       It is thick new blue one
b.      Itisbluethicknewone
c.        It is new thick blue one
d.      It is blue new thick one           

23.  Dona         : What is your father?
            Anto        :  ...
a.       He is handsome           
b.      He is a bricklayer
c.        He  is  Mintoharjo                  
d.       He  is  kind
24.  Seno          : Andi’s father is fifty years old. His mother is six yearsyounger than his father.
                 How old is his mother?
Diah         : ...
a.       His  mother is fifty six years old
b.      His mother is forty six years old
c.       His mother is forty  four years old
d.      His mother is sixty years old
25.  The studentsarelisteningto ... teacher’sexplanation. Then theteachergives ... somehomewok
a.       They, them
b.      Their, them
c.       Them, they
d.      Saturday
26.  The short hand is pointing between seven and eight. The long hand is pointing to three.
It is ...
a.    a quarter past seven
b.    a quarter to seven
c.    a half past seven
d.   a quarter to eight
27.  It’s 12-12-2012. Howtowriteit ...
a.       The twelve of December, twothousandandtwelve.
b.      The twelfth of December, twothousandandtwelve.
c.       The twelfthtwothousandandtwelveDecember.
d.      The twelvetwothousandhandtwelveDecember.
28.  The shape of themoonis ...
a.    Circular
b.    Spherical
c.    oval
d.   circle
29.    Manager          : We’re sorry to have the meeting here. We know that it’s not comfortable here,  but we have no choice. The meeting room is being renovated.
Guest               : ..., we completely understand.
Manager          : Thank you.

a.       That’s all right
b.      You’re welcome
c.       I’m sorry to hear that
d.      I’m sorry.
30.  Teacher             : Whatiscolor of theIndonesian Flag?
Students           : thecoloris ...
a.    Black, white
b.    Red, purple
c.    Red, white
d.   White, red
31.  Student     : Good Morning sir, I would like to borrow some of these books.
Librarian  : Your library card, please?
Student     : Oh my God,
..., I forgot to bring it.
  : So, you can’t borrow this book.
a.       Never mind
b.      I’m sosorry
c.       Don’t mention it
d.      No problem
32.  Keni          : I’ve lost my mobile phone in an art exhibition
Ayu         : ...
a.       That’s awful
b.       I’m very happy
c.       Don’t mention it
d.      No problem
33.  Hana     : What is your father, Reta?
Reta     : He examinespeople’steeth?
Hana    : So,heis ...?
Reta: Yes, he is.
a. A patient               c. Asurgeon
b. A designer                                    d. A dentist
34.  Teacher : What does your father do?
            Students :He’s technician. He works in the textile industry ....
a.       he fixed the machines
b.      he is cutting the clothes
c.       he takes care of the machinery
d.      he’ll give colors to the clothes
35. Mother              :....and follow the traffic regulation, children
The children          : Certainly mom
a. Becareful on theroad                            c. Please, careful on theroad.
b. Careful the road                                   d. Being on the road
II. Choose in the underline word or phrase should be corrected!
36My Uncle wasbornon FridaythetwentytwoofMarch
                       A                B                             C         D
37.  Nikita  : How manyhorsedoes Mr. Haris have?
                                    A                   B
            Wili      : He has five horse.
                                  C           D
38. Ani       : Is Martin British?
                     A                   B
      Andy    : Yes, He is from Netherland
                                    C           D
39. Alu       : Arethey, Helena andKarin?
 A   B
      Gun      : No, Theydon’t, theyare Mayaand Galuh.
                               C         D

40. Ipin       : Thesecookiesis for you
                   A                   B
Bagas          : Thanks a lot. Youarereallynice
                               C D

II.     ESSAY                      
41.  Howtotelltime?
a.                            b                              c                            

42.  Chosethesentenceintonegativeand interogatif.
a.       Utami works in Rumpita Hotel.
b.      We live in Indonesia.
c.       Taniaand Ricky arehappyfamily.
43. Completethe dialog below
        a. Pasha : Can I speaktoyouafterclass?
    Erna  : Sorry, _____.
b. Agus : _____?
           Anis   : Sorry, butyouhaveto do thehomeworkyourself.
44.  Complete the dialog below!
Khetrine : Nimas, I  ... my Brother, Yoga.
Nimas              : Hello Yoga, ....
Yoga                 : HelloNimas. Nice to mete youtoo.
45.  Timetable for Monday
07.00 – 07.45
Flag Ceremony
07.45 – 08.30
08.30 – 09.15
09.30 – 10.15
10.15 – 11.00
11.15 – 12.00
12.00 – 12.45
a.       The First periodis for ...
b.      The First breakisbetween ... and ...
c.       Englishisinthe ... period

Rubrik Penilaian:

I.     MultipleChoice : Jawaban benar nilai: 1,5.  Jadi Nilai maksimal 40 X 1,5 = 60

II.      Essay : Rentang Nilai per soal : 0 sampai 8
                        Jawaban benar sempurna                                Nilai = 8
                        Jawaban benar tetapi kurang logis                  Nilai = 6
                        Jawaban benar tetapi kurang lengkap             Nilai = 4
Jawaban kurang benar                                     Nilai = 2
Jawaban salah                                                 Nilai = 1
Tidak dijawab                                                 Nilai = 0

Jumlah Nilai Essay : 40

Nilai total                    MultipleChoice + Essay : 60 + 40 = 100.