Friday, October 30, 2015

Middle Semester Test "English Lesson" KTSP "class XI" semester 1

          LEMBAR SOAL

Mata Diklat                                    :  Bahasa Inggris
Satuan Pendidikan                         :  Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)
Kelompok                                      :  BM & TI
Program Studi /Keahlian                :  Semua Program Studi/ Keahlian
Kelas                                             :  XI (Sebelas)
Hari/Tanggal                                  :  
Waktu                                            :   07.30 -09.30 WIB
I.         Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet!

1.      Joni      : I often see you in the library. …………………..
Rani     : Yes, I always read many interesting books there.

A.    Is your hobby reading?
B.      Do you like it?
C.      What is your hobby?       
D.     Can I go there with you?
E.      What do you do there?

2.      Dani     : How do you usually spend your spare time?
Dewa   : …………………

A.    I never have spare time
B.     I like listening to the music
C.     I have no idea
D.    It’s difficult for me
E.      That’s not your business

3.      Receptionist    : Good morning, Can I help you?
Mr. George      : Good morning, I would like to make a hotel reservation.
ceptionist    :………………………………..?
. George      : I will be arriving on May 14th.
A.    What can I do for you?                             D. I hope you enyoy your stay
B.     How long will you be staying?                 E. What day will you be arriving?
C.     What time is it ?

4.      Guest               : Can I get a cup of hot coffee, salad, and fried chicken?
Waitress          : Sure, Sir. Just a minute, please. ………………
Guest               : Thank you.

A.    I hope you will enjoy the food    
B.     I like it
C.     You can go now                           
D.    You will be happy
E.     Nice to see you

5.      Ariel    : …………..
Shopie             : No, it is not mine. I don’t have such kind of book.

A.    Do you have a book?      
B.     Do you like this book?
C.     This is a new book                      
D.    Is it your book?
E.     Do you see my book?

6.      Santi    : Have you locked the door?
Marta   : …………….. I was in hurry, so I forgot to do it.
A.    Yes, I do                                                  D. No, I don’t
B.     Yes, I have                                               E. No, I haven’t
C.   Yes, I am

7.      Teacher            : All of you studied last night, ……………?
Students          : Yes, we did, Sir.
Teacher            : That’s good.

A.    do you                  
B.     don’t you
C.     did you                 
D.    didn’t you
E.     are you

8.      Father : You will never make me disappointed, ……….?
Boyke : No, I won’t, Father. I’ll always  do the best.

A.       will you               
B.       won’t you
C.       do you                 
D.       doesn’t he
E.    don’t you

9.      Martina            : Huhh! I am really hungry.
Dila                 : I am too. Let’s have lunch soon, …..?
Martina            : That’s good idea

A.    are you                
B.     am I
C.     will you               
D.    shall we
E.     do we

10.  Mother : This room is very dirty. You haven’t cleaned it up yet, ……?
Linda   : I’m sorry, Mom. I got up late.

A.    Do you                
B.     Have you
C.     Haven’t you        
D.    Did you
E.     Didn’t you

11.  Mia      : ……………… your address?
Via      : My address is Jl. Melati no 33, Bandung.

A.    How far               
B.     What
C.     Where                  
D.    How
E.     Which    

12.  Dika     : ……………… were you absent yesterday?
Ria       : I went to my grand mother’s home.

A.    Why                    
B.     When
C.     Where                  
D.    How
E.     What

13.  Teacher            : ………….do you practice your English?
Dinda              : I practice it almost every day.

A.    How                    
B.     Why
C.     When                   
D.    Where
E.     How often 

14.  Asri      : We haven’t met for ages. …………….is everything going on you?
Doni    : Everything  is okay, thanks. You look so beautiful today.
Asri     : Really? Thank you.

A.    How                    
B.     Why
C.     When                   
D.    Where
E.     Who

15.  Bisma : Why do you always bring cigarette?
Joni      : Because I like it very much.
Bisma : ……… dangerous for us. Don’t you know that?
Joni      : Who cares.
Bisma : How pity you are

A.    Smoke                 
B.     To smoke
C.     Smoking              
D.    Being smoke
E.     Smoker

16.  Mina    : Why do you look so bored?
      Nurul   : I have been waiting for my friend’s ….. since three hours ago.
            Mina    : I see. Waiting is really boring.

A.    to come               
B.     come
C.     coming                
D.    came
E.     come

17.  Jeny     : Where are Mom and father?
            Isty      : They are in the ……. room.

A.    Wait for               
B.     Waited
C.     Waits                   
D.    Waiting
E.     Wait

The dialogue for question number 18-20
Receptionist    : Good morning, welcome to the Mutiara hotel. May I help you?
Guest               : Good morning, I’d like to check in. I have a reservation.
Receptionist    : What’s your name, please?
Guest               : Virzha.
Receptionist    : Yes, Mr. Virzha. You requested a single room that correct?
Guest               : Yes, that’s right.
Receptionist    : Your room is 212. Here’s your key. Enjoy your stay at the Mutiara hotel. If you require anything further, feel free to call the front desk. Would you like assistance with your bags?
Guest               : No, thanks.

18.  The dialogue tells about?
A.    Mutiara hotel                                                         D. To reserve a room
B.     Check in hotel                                                       E. Check out
C.     Ordering food                                          

19.  How many people are in the dialogue?
A.    2 people                                                     D. 1 people
B.     3 people                                                     E. 5 people
C.     4 people                

20.  What is the expression which show guest handling in the dialogue?
A.    I have a reservation                       D. Would you like assistance with your bags?
B.     Yes, that’s right                            E. No, thanks.
C.     Your room is 212                         

21.  Hamdan           : Hello, may I speak to Mr. Andi, please?
Dila                 : ……………………………
Hamdan          : No problem, I will call back next time.
A.    What can I do for you?                             D. Any message
B.     Anything I must tell him                           E. I’m sorry he is going out now
C.     Ok                                                

22.  Man     : Hello this is Andrew. May I talk to Mr. Philip?
Girl      :  What are you calling about ?
Man     : Is this 987-7654 ?
Girl      : …………….this is 987-7645
A.    Sorry, I don’t                                            D. Sorry I think you call the wrong number
B.     Please hold                                                E. Maybe I can help
C.     Sure                                              

23.  Desi     : Good morning, Super Tiles Industry
Edwin : Morning,…………………
Desi      : Of course, he is expecting your call, please hold. I will connect you with manager
A.    May I speak to you please?                       D. Please, I want o talk with him
B.     May I speak to the manager?                    E. Is the manager there?
C.     Can I help you?                            

24.  Caller               : Hello, this is heaven hotel?
Receptionist    : Right sir, what can I do for you?
Caller               : ……………………..
Receptionist    : No problem sir, may I have your name please?
Caller               : My name is Yelvi.
A.    Is Mr Agus here?                                      D. I’d like to reserve a single room
B.     Can I speak with you?                              E. May I have your name?
C.     I’d like to book a table                             

25.  Dodi    : Dian can’t get married yet.
Aldi     : Why?
Dodi    : She’s not..........

A.       too old
B.       enough old
C.       old Enough
D.          old too
E.           too young

26.  Dinda : Hi, let’s go to Solo Grand Mall using your car.
Brian   : It’s only a small car. There isn’t ....... for all of you.

A.    enough chairs
B.     enough room
C.     too room
D.    room enough
E.     too chairs

27.  Mike    : What about this jacket?
Indra   : Try this jacket on and see if it’s.......for you.

A.    big enough
B.     enough big
C.     too good
D.    enough jcaket
E.     enough money

28.  Rony    : Wow.., it is good novel.
Boy     : This is my novel Rony.
Rony   : Really? So, this novel is………”

A.    Me
B.     Your
C.     Mine
D.    Him
E.     Yours

29.  Mother : Why don’t you help your brother?
Ita        : He said that he can handle it by....

A.    her
B.     him
C.     himself
D.    herself
E.     his

30.  Ida                   : Can I have my new schedule?
Mr. Narwolo   : Not now, I have to share it with other teachers. I need..... assignment.
Ida                   : Yes, sir.

A.    they
B.     theirs
C.     their
D.    them
E.     that

31.  Andre  : Do you know who the woman standing in front of our classroom?
Taulany : No, I don’t know. Maybe ….. is a new teacher.

A.    she                       
B.     he
C.     her                                   
D.    they
E.     his

32.  Maya               : Who is that girl?
Estianty           : The woman ..... drives that car is my aunt.

A.    of which
B.     whom
C.     whose
D.    which
E.     who

33.  Diana               : Yesterday I met your uncle.
Lorentsa          : Really?
Diana               : I met the is red. I belive that he is your uncle.
Lorentsa          : You’re right.

A.    who
B.     whom
C.     whose
D.    of which
E.     which

34.  Putri     : Who is she?
Lisa     : She is the woman ..... I met yesterday.

A.    which
B.     of which
C.     whom
D.    whose
E.     who

35.  Tebe     : Dwi, I don’t know where is your house.
Dwi     : The house  ...... has purple wall is mine.

A.    who
B.     whom
C.     of which
D.    which
E.     whose

Identify the underlined word or phrase that is not correct!
36.  Dendi : Where are you last night?
                                A        B  
Dimas: I was at home. I didn’t go anywhere.
                        C                     D                     E

37.  Mother      : You can get good mark this semester, will you?
                                         A                                            B

Dani          : I hope so. I have tried to do the best by studying hard every day.
                                          C      D                                     E

38.  Effendi      : May I use your car?
                     A               B
Piansyah    : Sorry, I don’t have car. That is not my.
                                   C                D                     E

39.  Receptionist          : Will I help you?
                                 A        B
Guest                     : Yes, I need a room for tonight. Is there available?
                                             C                                   D
Receptionist          : Let me see the list first.

40.  Mr. Tomi   : Whom is that girl?
Mr. Joni     : She is my secretary. Her name is Julia.
                           B                                    C
Mr. Tomi   : What about your last secretary?
Mr. Joni     : She moved to other company.

II. Essay
Answer these following questions correctly!

41.   Answer these following questions based on the dialog!
Receptionist          : Welcome to the Great Wall Hotel. Can I help you?
Guest                     : I’d like to book a room, please.
Receptionist          : Would you like a single or double?
Guest                     : A single room, please.
Receptionist          : May I have your name, please?
Guest                     : Luthvan Kalifa.
Receptionist          : How many nights would you like to stay?
Guest                     : Just tonight.
Receptionist          : How will you be paying?
Guest                     : Is credit card OK?
Receptionist          : That’ll be fine. Would you like a wake-up call?
Guest                     : No, thanks. Do you have a pool?
Receptionist          : Yes, we do. It’s on the second floor. Here’s your room key, number    426 on the fourth floor.
Guest                     : Thank you.
a.    What is the guest doing?
b.   How long will he stay in the hotel?
c.    Does the hotel have a pool? If yes, where is it?
d.   How will the guest pay for the hotel?

42.  Make yes-no questions from the following statements.
a.    Mother made a cake last Sunday.
b.   Juliet speaks Spanish.
c.    Candra has gone home.
d.   Vano can swim well
43.  Make the following sentences from direct speech into indirect!
     a. George : “ I am doing the test well”
     b. Philips : “ My father is a pilot and my mother is a teacher”
     c. John      : “ Do you write a letter?”
     d. Michael : “ I call if you have arrived at home”

44.              Combine these two sentences using too or enough construction!
      a. The table is very heavy. We can’t move it.
      b. Two people can’t sit on this chair. It’s not big enough.
      c. The bag is cheap. I can buy it.
      d. Thie boy is smart. He can be a leader.

45.  Arrange these jumbled words into good sentences!
a.    ?-parents-watch-television-in-evening-the-your-do
b.    will-his-party-his-next-friends-George-to-week-invite